The West Liberty Chamber of Commerce is:
Your Public Relations Specialist
- Advertising opportunities available in monthly e-newsletters
- Publicity opportunities offered by ribbon cuttings for Chamber members’ special events
- Responds to requests for business, community and relocation information
- Develop and maintain Web site promoting Chamber businesses and community events
Your Researcher
- Provides data on business trends, cost of living, taxes, population and other information
- Updates listing of community resources and events
- Maintains list of Chamber members for contact purposes
Your Spokesperson
- Represents the business community for issues affecting West Liberty
Your Sales Manager
- Encourages member-to-member business
- “Shop Local” promotion
- Listing in annual Membership Directory
- Membership referrals result in sales of member products and services
Your Receptionist
- Responds to phone calls from the community and newspapers about events; communicates with potential newcomers through e-mail and phone calls
- Regularly distributes community information to members
- Provides a smile and welcome to visitors to the community
Your Credibility
- Membership assures your customers that you are an involved business, making West Liberty a better place to live, work and play.